Hermann Farm is dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history and heritage of the Missouri River Valley while championing excellence in our region’s food and farming. By becoming a member, you play a vital role in supporting this mission while enjoying exclusive events and member-only benefits.
Shire Supporter
Quarterly e-newsletter with farm updates & exclusive content.
Free General Admission for one member per year.
Early registration for special events & programs.
Rasche Legacy
Quarterly e-newsletter with farm updates and exclusive content.
Two Free General Admission per year.
Early registration for special events and programs.
Husmann Heritage
Quarterly e-newsletter with farm updates and exclusive content.
Four General Admission passes per year.
Early registration for special events & programs.
Invitation to an exclusive annual "Members-Only Day" event.
Farm Steward
Quarterly e-newsletter with farm updates and exclusive content.
Six General Admission passes per year.
Early registration for special events & programs.
Invitation to an exclusive annual "Members-Only Day" event.
Complimentary behind-the-scenes tour for up to six people.
The Founders’ Circle
Quarterly e-newsletter with farm updates and exclusive content.
Eight General Admission passes per year.
VIP access to special events and programs.
Invitation to an exclusive annual "Members-Only Day" event.
Complimentary private behind-the-scenes tour for up to eight people.
Recognition on the Hermann Farm website and at the visitor center.